1) How can you tell that your students are really "getting it" as opposed to just telling you what you want to hear (e.g. "I'm learning a lot")
2) What were some of your most successful methods for motivating students to get engaged in materials?
3) What were the largest "resistances to learning" you found in your students and how did you deal with these?
4) How often did you collaborate with other teachers when working on lessons/units and what made these interactions successful/unsuccessful?
5) If you had to describe the three things in teaching that will make your life miserable should you do them, what would they be? (in other words, what should we avoid doing to make our classrooms run smoother)
Question #1 is one that I challenge my student to answer for themselves and then provide me with evidence to support what they are claiming. In other words, how do you prove to your instructors that you "get it" without telling them what you think they want to hear?